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Our uniform plays a very important part in giving our school its identity. It helps develop loyalty and pride in belonging to Northwick Manor Primary School. We are very grateful when parents support the wearing of the uniform and when they ensure children come to school in the correct and appropriate uniform.

All uniform items should be clearly named.

All uniform and book bags can be purchased from Schooltogs  except our school PE tracksuit which can be purchased from Kitz U.K. Ltd. at the following secure link 

Pre-loved uniform

The school will hold a second-hand uniform sale each term. Clothes will be sold for a small donation. If anyone has any school clothes/shoes/trainers, in good condition to donate please take them to the school office.

Hair Accessories and Styles

To be neat and tidy and long hair should be tied back for safety reasons.  Plain blue or black hair bands and bobbles should be worn to school. Large bows and colourful hairbands are not suitable. We would also ask that hair is neat and tidy and not an extreme style. Colourants are not allowed unless special permission is given i.e. for fund raising events.


Children in Reception, year one, year two and year three should not bring rucksacks to school. The cloakrooms are not large enough to accommodate them. Children should just bring a book bag, drink and lunchbox (if needed).

Children in years three to six may bring one small rucksack. The cloakrooms are not large enough to accommodate large rucksacks.

Winter Uniform

Girls Boys
  • Grey school skirt/grey pinafore/grey school trousers
  • Gold polo shirt
  • Navy Blue sweatshirt/sweatshirt cardigan
  • Dark tights/white or grey socks
  • Grey school trousers
  • Gold polo shirts
  • Navy Blue sweatshirt
  • Grey socks

Sensible black shoes - No fashion shoes, trainer shoes, trainers or boots.


Summer Uniform

Girls Boys
  • Navy Blue checked dress or grey school skirt/grey school trousers/grey school culottes
  • Gold polo shirt
  • Navy Blue school sweatshirt/sweatshirt or cardigan
  • White socks
  • Gold polo shirt
  • Grey school trousers/grey school shorts
  • Navy Blue school sweatshirt
  • Grey socks

Sensible summer shoes colour blue/brown/black (No fashion shoes, trainers or boots)

PE Kit

Indoor Outdoor
  • Black/Navy school shorts 
  • White Polo t-shirt/white school t-shirt
  • Indoor lessons will be done barefooted (black pumps may be worn on medical grounds if a letter is sent to school)
  • Navy school shorts/Black shorts
  • White Polo t-shirt/white school t-shirt
  • Pumps/trainers for playground work
  • Trainers/studded boots for activities on the grass for KS2 only
  • Trainers should have good grips, which is especially important on wet grass. One pair would be suitable for playground and grass work.
  • Black school tracksuit/hooded sweatshirt 
NB:- leggings or short cycling shorts are not suitable.

ALL kit must be well labelled. Kits will be worn to school on PE days. Please make sure that children wear their PE shorts and PE T-shirts under their tracksuits. Children are allowed to wear items without the school logo, but these must be plain black for shorts and tracksuits and plain white for t-shirts.


  • Your child will swim in Years 3, 4 and 5 on a Monday morning as part of our PE Curriculum. 
  • Autumn Term - Year 5, Spring Term - Year 4, Summer Term - Year 3
  • Long hair should always be tied back and a cap worn
  • All swimwear, towels and bags should be clearly labelled
  • Any child who needs to wear goggles must have a signed parental consent form
  • No jewellery may be worn
  • No aerosols are permitted


For safety reasons, no jewellery should be worn except a watch, studs and sleepers for children with pierced ears (one earring on each ear).  All earrings have to be taped over for physical activities.