School Lunches
The school always encourages healthy eating and would welcome your support. Children should bring a bottle of water every day to have on their tables during the day. Squash is not permitted.
All children have a choice to bring a packed lunch or having a hot school lunch.
Milk is available at morning playtime for those who wish to benefit from a special EU subsidy. All children under the age of 5 receive free milk. The school will be using Cool Milk to supply milk, please ask for a registration form from the school office or visit their website
All children are encouraged to bring a healthy snack which they can eat at break time (not chocolate or crisps). Free fruit is provided for children in EYFS and KS1 at a different time during the day.
Hot school meals
All food is prepared and cooked on the premises by our wonderful catering staff. Our menus run on three weekly cycles and are changed every term.
Hot meals cost £3.60 per day, this includes a hot home-cooked meal and dessert. If your child is on a school trip a packed lunch will be provided in place of the hot meal. You will be reimbursed for any lunches missed if your child is absent for three or more days in a row due to illness. However, if your child is absent due to holidays taken in term time refunds will not be given.
School lunches are paid for in advance. The menu runs on a three-weekly rota so you and your child are aware of what is available (menus can be viewed on the school website). Water is provided with a school lunch. Water is also available for children eating a packed lunch but please provide a water bottle or flask and ensure they are leakproof and named. (Cans, glass bottles and conventional flasks are not allowed in school for safety reasons).
Free School Meals
All KS1 children are entitled to a free school lunch.
Some children may be entitled to free lunches supplied by the Local Authority. Children of parents in receipt of Supplementary Benefit or Family Income Supplement may qualify and an application form is available from Worcestershire County Council. Lunches are provided by our kitchen. If you think you are eligible for free school meals or would like further information then please feel free to speak to