Parent Pay
Northwick Manor Primary School uses ParentPay for e-payment of all dinner money, wrap around care, trips, music lessons etc.
New to Parent Pay?
You have a secure online account, activated using a unique activation username and password; you will be prompted to change these and keep them safe and secure as your Username and Password for future logins. Northwick Manor will provide you with a letter detailing your unique Username and Password.
If you have two or more children at a Parent Pay school, you only need to activate one account to create your 'main account' and then add your other children via the Add a child tab on your home page.
Please visit and activate your account via the Account login area on the home page of the site.
ParentPay holds an electronic record of your payments to view at a later date. Once you have activated your account you can make online payments straight away.
Those parents wishing to pay cash should contact the school office to request the option of paying via PayPoint.