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Pupil Premium

All schools have benefitted from the ring-fenced Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) since April 2011 to support the academic and pastoral needs of pupils who are entitled to Free School Meals, who are Looked After (or Previously Looked After) and who are Forces Children. This funding is referred to as Pupil Premium funding. We have a responsibility within school to allocate this funding to each child who falls into these categories in order to ensure that they make at least expected if not better progress and reach age related attainment levels.

At Northwick Manor Primary school, pupils who are entitled Pupil Premium funding receive additional support in the following ways:

Quality First Teaching

Targeted teaching support e.g. additional interventions etc.

Wider strategies e.g. support with enrichment activities. learning resources etc.

Our plan for each year is set out in our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement.