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Who's Who


Miss K Nijjar - Headteacher

Mr R Hall-Harris 
Acting Deputy Headteacher

Mrs L Thomas
Assistant Headteacher

Mrs J Tombs
School Business Manager   

Mr S Reeves
Site Manager


Mrs Carol McVeigh
Mrs Clare McCabe
Mrs Miranda Giddings

Teaching Staff

(Year group Leader in bold)

Mrs Helen Stephens
Mrs Hartless / Mrs Emma Argent
Mrs Tanya Shipley / Mrs Rhiann Peever    

Year 1
Miss Zakiyah Ishaq
Mrs Tamara Coleman / Mrs Louise Webber
Miss Georgia Freeman

Year 2
Mrs Emma Bell
Mrs Susie Philips
Mrs Kate Yates (maternity leave)

Year 3
Mrs Sara Tipple
Mrs Claire Coulter
Miss Jemma Davies 

Year 4
Mrs Claire Hewitt
Mr Philip Hampton   
Mrs Emily Garbett

Year 5 
Mrs Claire Willerton
Miss Denise Hoare 
Miss Elizabeth Addis

Year 6
Mrs Tina Lawrence 
Mr Simon Colley
Miss Billie-Jo Dearden

PPA/cover Teachers
Mrs Lauren Thomas     
Mr Bob Harris  
Miss Louise Webber   
Mrs Rhiann Peever
Mrs Racheal Hartless

Music PPA/Music Therapy
Mrs Gail Kainey

Assessment support/Data Manager
Mrs Rachel Meakin

Teaching and Learning  Assistants
Mrs Lesley Harris 
Mrs Kelly Lewis     
Mrs Sam Joesbury-Clarke  
Mrs Tracy Pullen 
Mrs Angela Garlick   
Mrs Catriona Deane     
Mrs Sophia Constantinou
Mrs Rachel Meakin   
Mrs Gemma Gibbs
Mrs Jacqui Lewis 
Mrs Rebecca Warburton 
Mrs Angela Churchill 
Mrs Vicky Clarke
Mrs Heather Lewis 
Mrs Tina Farrimond
Mrs Xiehe Draper 
Mrs Lizzie Seconde
Mrs Ellie Hughes
Mrs Nathalie Telford
Miss Grace Rayner
Mr Ross Buxton

Kitchen Staff

Catering Manager
Mrs Laura Macgregor

Mrs Louise Brimmell

Supported by
Kitchen/Export Assistants

The school could not operate as effectively without our wonderful team of cleaners and lunchtime supervisors.