Transition Information
Transition from Nursery/Pre-school to EYFS (Reception)
We offer a number of opportunities for families to meet with staff, visit the school and experience school life prior to joining.
In September, children have a staggered start for the first week which allows them time to settle for shorter periods at first and in smaller groups. These arrangements are explained during the induction sessions.
New EYFS Parents Induction meeting
This is held in May during an evening session so that parents can attend easily without the interruptions of work commitments and also have an opportunity to receive more information relating to Northwick. Some of our Year 6 pupils deliver a presentation, as well as staff members. Any parent who is unable to attend is sent all the information in a pack by post.
Induction Sessions
In the Summer Term, all pre-school children allocated a place at Northwick Manor are invited to attend three different induction sessions in school. These are either for the morning or afternoon. This gives children an opportunity to meet the staff and the other children they will be with in September when they start. They also get the chance to experience what their classroom is like; the toilets, cloakrooms, outside areas and the resources available. It’s a taste of what EYFS will be like. Parents are asked to stay for one of these sessions in the school hall where further information is given to them about life in the Reception class.
Sports Morning
All of the main feeder nurseries (approx 100 nursery children) are invited in to take part in a morning of fun activities. We take turns to host the event with Perdiswell Primary who also have extensive grounds. Nurseries are asked to bring an activity and we have a total of 16 activities. The EYFS and Nursery children are split into teams and moved around the activities.
This gives the nursery children a further opportunity to experience school in a fun way, meet older children, teachers and other nursery children and staff. Feedback from nursery staff and children is extremely positive.
Northwick staff all feel this enhances the opportunities for the nursery children to experience school and meet staff and children. This is felt vital to enhance their smooth transition into school.
Parent and child lunch
All parents and children who are due to start in September are invited in to try a lunch in school. By tasting food and seeing how lunch is set up, allays any fears or concerns and these can be addressed prior to the children starting school
Nursery Forest School
One of our main pre-school feeders is invited to bring children to enjoy a ‘Forest School’ session. This offers children further experience of what happens at school and how forest school runs. They are able to meet some of the EYFS staff again and work with them.
SEND Children
Our Access and Inclusion Leader organises individual events and meetings to cater for children with Special Needs or who need extra help with the transition to school. This is so that children who need it can have an individualised transition process.
Transition through year groups
All year groups have three transition sessions at the same time as the new intake coming to visit. This happens in the second half of the summer term.
Year 2 to 3
We organise some extra transition sessions for children moving from Year 2 to Year 3. As well as the three transition sessions that the whole school attend, Year 2 and Year 3 have a transition project based on different themes. Children work in mixed groups and move around all of the classrooms. This gives them further opportunities to meet Year 3 staff and help allay any fears about moving to KS2.
Twice a week, Years 2 and 3 have their breaks together and this gives a further opportunity for the children to meet the staff regularly and play with the older children.
Transition to Secondary School
Year 6-7
French Trip
When children are in Year 6 they are given the opportunity to attend a week long trip to Paris. Taking part in this trip enables them to begin to develop some independence over the course of the week, ready for transition to high school. They take responsibility for organising themselves throughout the week (staff obviously still help!!). It is a popular trip and lots of parents have commented over the years about how the trip helps their child to mature.
Police Talks
Year 6 have a variety of talks from the Police to help with transition. These range from safety when out, internet safety and a talk about Stranger Danger. These talks help the children to make that transition by offering helpful advice.
Trips for children to High School
All of our feeder high schools invite children in on various dates to take part in experiencing life in high school which we support. We also try to arrange a variety of opportunities for children in Year 5 to visit high schools and always accept invitations given to us in order for us to prepare them. These can range from art, writing workshops, dance to sports events. We are very keen to foster good relationships with our feeder High schools and enjoy working closely with them.