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Performing Arts

Music, drama and dance are important parts of everyday life at Northwick, where we recognise the huge benefits that participation in the performing arts can bring to all children. Finding the discipline and determination to learn how to play an instrument, overcoming your fear on stage, or having the confidence to speak to an audience – all of these are life skills that extend far beyond school. 


We love making music here at Northwick and music is a recognised strength of the school.  We provide a wide range of musical opportunities, both curricular and extra-curricular for every pupil. The overriding ethos is to be inclusive and make music accessible to all. Focus on developing instrumental and vocal skills, music literacy and vocabulary, and confidence is essential. Trips, concerts and school performances are an important part of the curriculum providing occasions for pupils to experience and appreciate live music.  

Instrumental lessons

A wide range of individual music lessons are available delivered by visiting music teachers. Current instruments offered include vocal training, piano, guitar, violin, drums, ukulele, flute and recorder. 


Children at Northwick are fortunate to have a wide range of opportunities to perform in shows, concerts, showcases and assemblies. All children in the school are encouraged to take part.

The school has a tradition of high-quality theatrical performances, ranging from the Nativity productions for Reception to the musicals performed by Year 6 at the end of the summer term.  

Dance and drama

We are fortunate to have a highly experienced dance teacher, Miss Rayner as a member of the teaching staff.  Miss Rayner is a graduate of Contemporary Dance from Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance and brings considerable expertise in many aspects of the performing arts. Drama is available to children as part of Enrichment and as a co-curricular club.