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Communication Routes

We are committed to a close working partnership between school and home. Cooperation and understanding between parents and the school is a key factor in a child’s development.  We have a home school agreement which helps us to work together.  We will work very hard to build and maintain positive relationships.  We try to keep everyone well informed by sending out a calendar of events, a newsletter (also available by email) and regular letters regarding trips and special events.  We also use this website and text alerts to send reminders and information about the school.

Parents are always welcome to contact staff.  If you wish to discuss a matter at length please arrange an appointment so sufficient time can be set aside to address specific issues.  Each member of staff holds a surgery once a week which you are welcome to use.  Times are available on the Class Pages of our Website.  Messages can also be left at the office.

You may wish to speak to the Year Group Leader if the class teacher is unable to resolve a matter and can contact the school office or the Year Group Leader to make an appointment with them. Should you wish to see the Headteacher every effort will be made to accommodate that wish as speedily as possible.  Please contact the main office for an appointment. You are also at liberty to contact the Chair of Governors or the Executive Head of the Rivers Multi-Academy Trust.  By working together we can ensure the very best for your children.