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SEND (Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities)

At Northwick Manor Primary we strive to be a fully inclusive school where all pupils achieve their potential. For any child with additional needs we aim to identity barriers to learning and provide the support needed to ensure they make good progress. 11% of our pupils currently have additional needs.

All schools are required to publish a Special Educational Needs or Disabilities information Report (SIR) which outlines the support we provide for all pupils, including those with SEND.

Our SIR will outline the following

  • The support available to all children with SEND at Northwick Manor Primary School

  • The targeted support which is available for children with SEND who require additional short term support which is over and above that which we routinely provide (Ordinarily available) in our school

  • The specialist outside agency support which is available for children with SEND who require specialised, often longer term support

Our School SENCO is Mrs Lauren Thomas


Telephone: 01905 454430