Medical Needs
Medical information for illnesses
If your child suffers from asthma, diabetes, anaphylaxis or any other serious long-term illness, you must provide the school with full details. All staff attend annual training in administering treatment for asthma and anaphylaxis. Please ensure that you inform the school immediately of any medical updates or changes. Parents/carers must ensure that all inhalers/EpiPens are in date.
Medication in school
It is preferable that medication is given at home. There are times, however, when medicine will need to be administered in school. We will only administer medicines that have been prescribed by a doctor. Parents should bring the medicine into the school office and complete a form permitting the medicine to be administered.
Personal medication is kept in a locked cabinet in the school office. Please do not provide your child with any non-prescribed medicines, such as paracetamol, cold sore cream, medicated creams or cough sweets. They are a danger to any younger children that might accidentally come into contact with them.
Stomach upsets
Please note that children should be absent from school for 48 hours following the last incidence of sickness or diarrhoea.
Should your child receive a bump to the head parents will be notified through a phone call home, however minor the event. Should there be signs of bruising or distress, parents will be contacted and invited to come into school and check their child. For more serious bumps and grazes, parents will be contacted and informed of the incident. Please understand that although this may seem to be over-cautious, we must err on the side of caution.
In the case of a serious accident, we will call an ambulance first and parents second. The safety and well-being of the pupil is our primary concern.
Should your child become ill during the course of the day, we will contact parents/carers and ask them to collect.
Infectious Diseases
In the case of infectious disease, we do ask that you inform the school immediately once the condition is diagnosed. If your child is infectious, please do not bring them into school.