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Phonics and Early Reading

We see reading as the key to unlocking all learning and instilling a love of books and fluency in reading is key to our Early Years and Key Stage One curriculum. 

Why is phonics important?

Phonics is the precursor to reading, writing and spelling. It provides a key foundation for children to develop crucial literacy skills that will carry them through life. Research shows that high quality phonics teaching effectively supports younger children to master the basics of reading, with an average impact of an additional five months’ progress.

Children with accelerated reading skills are able to independently access other areas of the curriculum. The more progress they make with phonics, the more progress they will make across the board. 

How do we teach phonics?

At Northwick, we have devised a successful phonics curriculum to ensure all children successfully gain phonetic knowledge and master the associated skills.

All children in Reception and Year One receive daily phonics sessions, which incorporate learning new sounds with applying them to reading and writing. Children have a reading book matched to the sounds they have earned, as well as access to a free choice of other age-appropriate books.  

Statutory Assessment

All Year One children sit the Phonics Screening Check.  Children who do not reach the threshold repeat the screening in Year 2 following further support. 

Phonics Success

Our strong phonics provision accelerates learning and enables our children to achieve better than the national average.

Phonics Screening Results
Year  % of children that reached the expected standard
2024 92%
2023 99%